Foundation PFN
Reforestation project Maloure

The largest plantations of the former reforestation project were located in the area around the village of Maloure. Since 2020, CODEMA (Committée pour le Développement de Maloure: the organization that is committed to everything that is in the common interest of the population of Maloure) has restarted the reforestation project. The firebreaks are being maintained again and lost hectares are being replanted with fast-growing wood species. In the shade of these pioneer species, slower-growing species are being planted, which will produce valuable timber in the future. All activities are carried out by the local population, who are paid for this thanks to support from the PFN Foundation. The fact that the reforestation project is also a source of employment motivates the population to prevent/fight savannah fires. The site near Maloure covers 621 hectares, for which the status of Community Forest has been applied for. This will allow CODEMA to continue to manage the site in a sustainable manner. CODEMA will then be able to use the proceeds from sustainable logging for the management of the site (fire prevention!) and the development of the village (water wells, infirmary, bridge maintenance, etc.).