The Plantations Forestières du Noun Foundation was established on January 3, 2023 by Ibrahim Louh, Tieme Wanders and Pepijn Koops. The foundation's goal is: "To establish community forests (Forêts Communautaires according to Cameroonian law) in the Cameroonian Noun department in the interest of protecting nature and the climate (there and in a broader sense) and creating employment there."
You can read more about this in the founding document.
Policy plan
The current policy plan of the PFN Foundation covers the first two years after its establishment (2023-2024).
General information
Chamber of Commerce registration number: 88 79 52 17 RSIN registration number: 86 47 81 313 Bank account SWIFT & IBAN: TRIONL2U NL15TRIO 0320 6303 58
Remuneration policy
The members of the board do not receive any remuneration for their work. They are entitled to reimbursement of the costs incurred by them in the performance of their duties, insofar as these were incurred reasonably, and non-excessive vacation pay.
Financial accountability
Every year, income and expenditure are accounted for in our annual financial report, which is published on our website. In addition, local organisations such as CODEMA report on the actions they have carried out, which trees have been planted where and which maintenance measures have been carried out. They also send photos. These reports are included on this website. In the coming years, we will work towards CBF recognition (Central Bureau for Fundraising) for our foundation, with which we will comply with the standards set by and for the fundraising sector.
ANBI (Non Profit Organization)
The Plantations Forestières du Noun Foundation has a valid ANBI status, which means, among other things, that donations to the foundation are deductible from your taxable income.